Patient Stories
Hope for headache sufferers
I can not speak highly enough about Kelsie's "Migraines Be Gone" program! I suppose more than anything, I am most appreciative of the hope that it has given me. That hope is a genuine gift! Medication can help alleviate some of the pain but at the cost of some terrible side effects. The thought of eliminating migraines entirely, without medication, is a concept that I never allowed myself to dare dream before and I now know it is possible. I am also so very thankful to finally have the cause for my migraines explained to me in a clear and simple manner. I have been seeking out reasoning for years and it finally makes sense. Having that understanding provides you with rationale for the exercises. There is not a single exercise in the program that I do not feel immediately better after completing. You actually look forward to doing them. Kelsie's desire to help you is very genuine. She is kind and gentle in nature and a pleasure to work with. She is incredibly passionate about what she does and thrilled to share her knowledge with you. Get excited - Kelsie holds the "golden key" to eliminating your migraines and she wants nothing more than to share it with you! The frustration, depression and feeling of being overwhelmed by my migraines have been replaced by hope and for this I am forever thankful to Kelsie!
Thank you so very much!
Cynthia Crook
Denver, CO.
I expect results and results is what I got!
As a result of practicing the techniques described in Kelsie's program I have been able to manage my Migraine attack frequency from 4 to 5 per week down to 1 per week consistently. I even have some really good weeks where I go 10 days without a migraine at all. My only regret is that I wish I had access to this information many years ago as I could have eliminated many years (30 years) of suffering. No other treatments have provided me with the kind of relief that I have received from practicing the techniques illustrated in Migraines Be Gone.
As a side note, the techniques referenced include relaxation, visualization, affirmations, exercise and stretching, breath control, and temperature control to the extremities (hands and feet). When these techniques are mastered, the mind and body relax while the frequency and severity of migraines decrease. Personally, I also noticed that life started to become more enjoyable in general terms. Little things didn't stress me out as much and I started to take my time with things that I would normally just rush through. Most significant (other than less migraines) is that I feel far less overwhelmed and I feel that there is hope that I can control my migraines and that the migraines will not control me.
If you want results, then definitely work with Kelsie.
Mike Norris
Erie, CO.
Exactly What I Needed
I am very grateful for this program. The shoulder, neck and jaw stretches helped me address the tension I hold that has been causing my headaches for years. The directions are clear and photos make it very easy to practice. I haven't gotten to the biofeedback part yet but I have already experienced so much relief just from doing the stretches and relaxation exercises.
I think this program is very practical and empowering and highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in working from the inside out to heal their headaches.
Thank you Kelsie for putting this all together!
Joanna Theriault
Crestone, CO.
At last, true freedom from painful migraine headaches
I am so grateful to have finally, after 20+ years of trying every possible approach and medication to freeing myself of migraine headaches, to have found the answer to living a worthwhile life free from pain. The easy, straightforward home exercises and habits discussed in Migraines Be Gone have greatly improved the quality of my life.
Pam Sekaro
Boulder, CO.
Excellent Migraine Relief Program
Not only was this program wonderful for migraine relief but also for other stress related symptoms: insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, panic, anxiety and headaches! Learning about breathing, muscle tension and release, temperature training, and deep relaxation has put me on the path to being migraine free and a much calmer person. Biofeedback really helps to get in touch with the body and nervous system by giving immediate feedback and information. I have developed natural, everyday tools to help eradicate headaches from my life. What a blessing!
Name Withheld by Request
Boulder, CO.
Migraines are (mostly) gone!
After reading this book, I went from headaches/migraines (the gut-wrenching, light-noise-smell-phobic, 'Please let me die to put an end to this misery' kind) 5-6 times a week requiring - often strong - medications, to a much less severe version once a week, maybe twice, if I am under a lot of stress and/or if there are profound changes in weather and/or if I get lax or careless in applying at least some of the seven steps - including biofeedback - every day. All this happened gradually within a time-span of 1-3 months.
True, when a migraine is rearing its ugly head, it is still necessary to reach for medication(s). But this book gives headache sufferers the tools to play an active part in working on preventing headaches from occuring. It puts the reader in charge of choosing to deal actively with this dreadful illness, to be proactive rather than reactive.
There are still times, especially when I have been painfree for several days in a row, that my new-found self-discipline and commitment go out the window and I forget to stretch, to do the deep-breathing and deep-relaxation and biofeedback exercises, etc., and I just go back to life as it was before I read the book, and more often than not, I suffer the consequences. There really is a marked difference!
This book is not a quick fix but a guideline for helping you to help yourself until at least some of the seven steps become a part of your life. Five months into the journey I am just at the beginning, but in this relatively short period of time (compared to three decades of misery), I have experienced enough positive changes to keep me going. I am learning to effectively deal with headaches in particular as well as - bonus! - life's adversities in general.
Thank you, Kelsie Kenefick, for taking the time to write a book full of immensely useful information!
Hanna Phinney
Berthoud, CO.
Kelsie's program changed my life.
I was searching the internet for an acupuncturist because after seeing three different physicians about my migraines they had all failed me. I wanted to learn what was causing my headaches, and how to stop them, and they just kept throwing more medicine at me. After reading Kelsie's book, I found out that the doctors who overprescribed migraine drugs for me were actually making my condition worse. I was skeptical at first, but for $20, I figured there was nothing to loose. After getting through step 4 of the 7 steps, I was practically headache free. Since then I have never taken a migraine prescription, and I have never had a headache bad enough to put me to bed. This book made me feel really empowered to help myself, instead of having to rely on doctors who were in too much of a hurry to listen to me. It has been about 2 years since I first purchased this book and the headaches are still under control. When I bought the book, I had been suffering from debiliating migraines for about 4 years, and the frequency had increased to about 15 headache days/ month. I am so grateful for Kelsie and her book, it truely changed my life.
D.M. Ost
I highly recommend this program!!
This program is a refreshing change from the standard medical treatment of pills, pills and more pills. This is an excellent program, easy to follow and understand, and filled with useful information and guidance! It's very informative and can help educate those that suffer with migraines.I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that anyone with migraines or chronic headaches get Migraines Be Gone!
E. Holstrom
Boulder, CO.
Valuable stuff!!
This is the first migraine book I've bought, even though I've had the damn things since fourth grade ... and I'm 55 now. In fact, been getting more in the last couple of years, since I work hours every day in front of a computer in a stressful job. This book appealed to me because it spoke to many of the symptoms I have ... jaw clenching, neck clenching, other things I thought contributed to headaches but doctors never talked about or took seriously. The author recommends stretches that work as part of a comprehensive program that attacks migraines in many ways, including some relaxation techniques that work for me ... without taking more and different pills. I've also bought a couple of the CDs that are part of the program and like them. I looked a few other books on migraines and they seemed useless to me. Everybody's migraines are different, but this book gives you positive and effective things to try, and the author has had tons of experience dealing with migraine sufferers. It shows. The tips and techniques in this book really helped.
Bob Pickard
Rolling Hills Estates, CA.
Not only migraines
I bought this book a year ago thinking to reduce the number and severity of my migraines which had increased to two or three a week after repeated doses of Maxalt and NSAID medications began triggering rebound headaches. My plan was interrupted by several surgery procedures that were made more stressful by the presence of migraines and left me with persistent anxiety and difficulty sleeping. During my convalesance, I started doing the exercises in Kelsie's book and found immediate relief from the more intense anxiety and gradually, the migraines have come under control.
I find the techniques to be very sound - a valuable compliment to other mindfulness-based therapies.
Richard Rice
Boulder, CO.
I never knew how much tension I held in my face, neck and jaw until I did Kelsie's program. It showed me how to break the patterns that contributed to my chronic headaches and migraines. I no longer need to wear a night guard to bed because this program teaches you how to relieve jaw tension. "Migraines be Gone" helped me to find out the underlying causes of my migraines and take control on my own to the path of healing.
Robin Zdravkovic
Boulder, CO.
Empowering and Healing
Do this program if you are currently suffering from headaches! It's a wonderful, practical step-by-step resource for those suffering from migraines and other kinds of headaches, and it's the only headache program I've seen that actually teaches migraineurs what they can do about the problem. You really have nothing to lose except the pain!
You have to be serious about following the steps because each one builds on the others but it gets easier as the days go by. The part I liked best were the progress and reporting charts that monitor individual progress that made keeping track of small changes easier. The photographs are very helpful as they helped me understand how to do the specific exercises. Besides the program, there are other little hints like "trigger foods" and affirmations to take away that will help. I am now virtually headache free.
P.A. Sue
Philadelphia, PA.
Skeptic Proved Wrong
"Four months after beginning the Migraines Be Gone program my migraines declined from 4 - 5 moderate to incapacitating migraines per week to less than 5 mild migraines per month! To say I was a skeptic of the process is to put it mildly. However, at my wife's insistence I began the Migraines Be Gone program with Kelsie.
To my surprise, I saw immediate improvement in both the severity and the frequency of my migraines. Learning how to diffuse the stress I did not realize I had was a tremendous help and I think the key to my improvement. As an added bonus, my wife, who suffered from my erratic mood swings associated with my migraines, says I'm a much nicer person now! Migraines Be Gone works! I highly recommend it for all migraine sufferers!"
Oke Johnson
Superior, CO.
A Must For Migraine Sufferers!
"Kelsie's work has changed my life! Before we started working together I was having chronic daily headaches. I almost lost my job because of taking so much time off due to the headaches. I was given written notice because of my absences. Right after that happened I attended Kelsie's presentation on managing migraines and realized that her work might be the answer to saving my job.
I have had 11 sessions with Kelsie so far and I feel like I have been released from a prison! Before we started working together I had a headache 95% of the time. Now I am experiencing an increasing number of pain free days. I had up to 3 times as many incapacitating headaches before we started. Many days, if I get a headache now, it is mild and I know how to remedy it. Previously I spent the majority of my Saturdays in bed and now I enjoy my gardening instead. The results have been amazing.
Kelsie's multifaceted approach has given me valuable tools that have helped me in many other areas of my life, as well. A number of friends and coworkers have even complimented me on the dramatic changes they are seeing. It is a really amazing program. I have suffered from these headaches, both migraine and muscle tension, for 45 years. I am thrilled to be in control of my life again after all of these years. I highly recommend Kelsie's program to anyone who is suffering from headaches."
Mary Hemmon
Boulder, CO.
Thanks, Kelsie
Hi Kelsie,
I don't want to let this year pass without thanking you for the help you gave me in greatly decreasing the number of migraines I get every month. When I called you back in April, I was at the end of my tolerance for migraines. I was ready to try anything to make them stop. Finding you was really quite by chance, but calling you was one of the best decisions of my life. Not only did you work on the actual migraines, but you opened up my eyes to a whole new way of thinking about them, and preventing them. I don't think I truly believed that eight months later, I would be off the Topamax, and down to one migraine "event" or so a month.
You taught me to listen to what my muscles were saying and to believe I could make a difference in the outcome. I realize how much stress and muscle tension led to my headaches. Most important, you gave me many techniques to prevent them. I have given up all soda and artificial sweetener, something that used to seem impossible. I still listen to relaxation cds and do the exercises almost every day. It takes almost no effort now to feel the blood moving into my hands when I want it to. My feet still need more practice, but I'm confident I will get there. I just rewrote the affirmations that are pertinent to the stage I am in now, and that felt very empowering.
I think the most important thing is that when I left your office after the last session, I left with a new attitude and interest in dealing with migraines and stress and anxiety naturally and without drugs to the extent possible. It has truly been life changing.
I hope you are well, and wish you the best.
Debbie Graus