Events, Retreats, Healing Journeys...
Kelsie leads events and retreats around the United States and leads people on healing journeys to Brazil...
Kelsie leads events for church groups, or any interested group, that wants to experience working with Spirits of Light for healing. Begin to experience healing right in your home town. Contact Kelsie if you would like to arrange for her to come to your city to share the work. Retreats are typically Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, or Friday evening to Saturday evening, with a focus on "Healing with the Spirits of Light: Meditating with Assistance from the Other Side". In the fall of 2019 Kelsie will be leading a couple of residential retreats for people who would like to go deeper with this work. Ask to be on her newsletter list to stay informed of her upcoming events.
Healing Journey to Brazil...
Experience what will likely be the two most amazing weeks of your life. If you are ready to delve into this work even deeper, consider going on a journey to the Casa in Brazil. Kelsie is a Casa-authorized group leader and has been leading groups on healing journeys since 2012. An experienced group leader, she has led over 30 groups. If you would like to consider this, email Kelsie and she will send you a packet which will answer all your questions. The next scheduled trip is in June 2019.