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Distant Healing...
      what you need to know



Set up a time with Kelsie for the distant healing. The actual healing session will be around 50 minutes but try to plan time afterwards to rest. Often people have very strong sessions and need quiet, alone-time afterwards.


Send Kelsie your photo and the following information via email: Name, address, date of birth and up to three healing requests. Keep your healing requests short and in non-medical terms. Remember many of the Sprits of Light were saints; not doctors. An example would be: “Please help heal - brain, loneliness, and digestion”

You may send the photo and information through email and Kelsie will print it out or send a hard copy to: K. Kenefick, 578 Lakeside Drive #8, Pagosa Springs, CO.  81147




You will be sitting in meditation doing nothing… simply be receptive to the Spirits of Light. Keep your eyes closed and your hands and feet uncrossed. Make sure your phones are off and you will have no interruptions for 50 minutes. Please wear comfortable, white clothes, if possible. If you don’t have white wear light colored clothes. 


Kelsie will be in a deep state of meditation and prayer during this time. She will be calling the Spirits of Light in on your behalf during this time.




Drink a glass of purified, blessed water. Put a glass of purified water out before the session so the Spirits of Light can bless the water during the session.  If you have an altar, or other sacred spot in your home, put your glass of water there. Rest as much as possible for the next 24 hours as the Entities of Light will continue to work with you. Try not to intermingle with other energies too much. If you have to work, drive, or be around many people call in the Spirits of Light for protection. They will help. 




Kelsie books sessions on the hour and is available Monday through Saturday. When you email give Kelsie a few  suggested times that will work for you. Distant healing sessions are $95/session and can be paid online through PayPal to If you do not have PayPal you can mail a check to: K. Kenefick, 578 Lakeside Drive #8, Pagosa Springs, CO.  81147

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